Cumpararea actualei proprietati a bisericii noastre de la adresa 9111 River Rd, Potomac, MD 20854 isi are propria istorie de o mare incarcatura duhovniceasca.
Din cuvintele parintelui Calciu pastrate in format video, proprietatea de 3 acri de la adresa 9111 River Rd, Potomac, MD a fost socotita providentiala si chiar daruita de Dumnezeu. Toate celelalte proprietati disponibile la acea vreme pe piata imobiliara isi aveau neajunsurile lor. Proprietate din Potomac insa, si-a avut atuurile ei atat inerente cat si contextuale: achizitionarea ei in preajma sarbatoririi Sf Apostol Andrei (1 Decembrie), coincidenta cu binecuvantarea pietrei de temelie pentru construirea Catedralei Mantuirii Neamului din Bucuresti, Romania, disponibilitatea proprietatii pe piata pentru o lunga perioada de timp, reducerea pretului acesteia de la $2,000,000 la $1,595,000 si frumoasele cuvinte scrise de agentului imobiliar care a facilitat cumpararea ei, toate acestea au fost intelese de Parintele Calciu si ucenicii sai ca semne divine ca acesta este pamantul menit pentru comunitatea noastra.
Aici, Parintele Calciu impreuna cu toti credinciosii isi vor propune construirea mult doritei biserici ortodoxe romanesti cu al doilea hram de “Sfantul Apostol Andrei, Cel Dintai Chemat”.
Astfel in toamna anului 2005 s-a achizitionat aceasta proprietate si credinciosii care au crezut in acest proiect, au donat importante sume financiare direct catre plata pamantului. Proprietatea a fost cumparata la un pret de $1,595,000.
- 7 August 2005: Adunarea Generala Speciala voteaza in unanimitate pentru imputernicirea Consiliul Parohial sa cumpere un teren pentru o biserica noua;
- 20 Noiembrie 2005: Consiliul Parohial aproba in unanimitate cumpararea terenului din Potomac;
- 29 Noiembrie 2005: Consiliul Episcopiei Ortodoxe Romane din America (ROEA) aproba cumpararea terenului;
- 30 Noiembrie 2005: Praznuirea Sfantului Apostol Andrei: Reprezentantii Consiliului Parohial semneaza documentele pentru cumpararea terenului din 9111 River Rd, Potomac, Maryland;
Site Plan
The Land
The acquisition of the land property of the church, located at 9111 River Rd., Potomac, MD 20854, has its own history with a remarkable spiritual prominence.
According to Father Calciu’s own words, preserved in video format, the beautiful 3-acre land was perceived as a providential gift from God. All the other properties available on the market at that time had their own drawbacks. The Potomac property, on the other hand, had a number of advantages of both inherent and contextual character: its purchase time was close to the Holy Feast of Saint Apostle Andrew; this time coincided with the laying down of the foundation stone of the Cathedral of National Redemption in Bucharest, Romania; the land had been available on the market for a long period of time; its price had been reduced from $2,000,000 to $1,595,000; and the purchasing transaction was accompanied by nice words written by the real estate agent who facilitated the purchase. All these facts and circumstances were understood by Father Calciu and his disciples as divine signs that this land was indeed meant to become the residence of our parish.
Here, Father Calciu together with the entire community of faithful decided to build the much- desired Romanian orthodox church with Saint Apostle Andrew “The First Called” as its patron.
The land was purchased in the fall of 2005, and the community of faithful donated important amounts of money directly towards the payments of the land mortgage bank loan.
Important dates:
- August 7, 2005: The Special General Assembly of the church voted in unanimity to empower the Parish Council to purchase the land for the new church;
- November 20, 2005: The Parish Council approved in unanimity the purchase of the land in Potomac;
- November 29, 2005: The ROEA Episcopate Council approved the purchase of the Potomac land;
- November 30, 2005: The Saint Apostle Andrew Parish Council representatives signed the documents for the purchase of the land at 9111 River Rd., Potomac, Maryland.