Anunt 11/2/2021

Iubiti credinciosi,

SE INSTALEAZA OTELUL DE STRUCTURA! Saptamana aceasta a inceput cu mult avant si binecuvantare, deoarece instalarea structurii de otel pentru viitoarea biserica a fost initiata! Va atasam doua filmulete ce captureaza aceasta zi importanta:

De acum inainte, intram in pasul doi din prima faza a constructiei, si anume instalarea structurii de otel. Datorita acestui pas important, anuntam reluarea campaniei “100 pentru $1,000,000” deoarece inca mai avem nevoie de $250,000 pentru finalizarea acestei campanii si asigurarea succesului primei faze a constructiei.

Va invitam sa revizitati situatia dumneavoastra financiara si sa daruiti lui Dumnezeu din roadele cu care v-a binecuvantat. Avem nevoie ca impreuna sa facem acest efort unic inistoria comunitatii noastre si chiar din viata noastra. Va rugam sa ne anuntati intentia dumneavoastra fie in direct, la biserica, fie prin email sau telefon.

Dear beloved,

This week began with a lot of blessings, as the installation of the steel structure for the future church was initiated! We include two videos that capture this important day:

From now on, we enter the second step of the first phase of construction, namely the installation of the steel structure. Due to this important step, we announce the resumption of the “100 for $ 1,000,000” campaign because we still need $ 250,000 to complete this campaign and ensure the success of the first phase of construction.

We invite you to revisit your financial situation and give to God the fruits with which he has blessed you. We need to make this unique effort together in the history of our community and even in our lives. Please let us know your intention either in person, at church, or by email or phone.