Iubiti credinciosi,

Cu multa emotie, ne apropiem de momentul sfintirii celor cinci cruci care vor fi instalate pe turla si acoperisul viitoarei biserici. Va invitam sa va alaturati noua la acest eveniment unic, insotit de o campanie la fel de unica “Doneaza pentru Crucea lui Hristos”. Detaliile acestei campanii le gasiti in flyer-ul de mai sus. Evenimentul va marca un nou punct de cotitura in proiectul nostru de constructie: inceperea fazei a 2-a de constructie.

Dupa eliberarea Permisului de Constuctie, in toamna anului 2020 ( 9.16.2020), comunitatea noastra a pornit pe drumul construirii efective a bisericii mult dorite : Moldovita la Washington DC. In vara anului 2021, lucrarile de escavare au inceput si turnarea zidurilor fundatiei a fost efectuata. Pe parcursul anului 2022, am continuat cu ridicarea structurii de otel, a peretilor de metal si a turlei bisericii (avand ca element unic arhitectural: bolta moldoveneasca).

In pragul anului 2023, biserica se pregateste de slujba sfintirii crucilor, simbol al spiritualitatii crestine ortodoxe din toate timpurile. Va multumim din suflet pentru totul efortul depus catre acest proiect! Va multumim pentru perseverenta dumneavoastra si dragostea pe care o aratati!

Va invitam sa continuati pe acest drum al realizarii unui proiect inaltator si sa ne sustineti si in acest an 2023! Sustinerea dumneavoastra constanta si generoasa este esentiala succesului acestui proiect. Nimic in lume nu se realizeaza fara de jertfa si dragoste, si Mantuitorul Hristos ne este pilda a acestui lucru prin rastignirea si moartea Sa pe cruce. Asa cum ne-am propus si in anii trecuti, si in acest an avem nevoie de aproximativ $1,000,000 pentru obtinerea Permisului de Ocupare si de savarsire a sfintelor slujbe in noua biserica. Si dorim sa obtinem acest permis pana la sfarsitul anului 2023!!! Va rugam din suflet sa ne ajutati!

Domnul sa va daruiasca in continuare o inima deschisa si jertfitoare pentru proiectul de a construi o biserica ortodoxa romaneasca in Washington DC.


Dear beloved,

With great emotion, we are approaching the moment of consecration of the five crosses that will be installed on the cupola and roof of the future church. We invite you to join us at this unique event, accompanied by an equally unique campaign “Donate for the Cross of Christ”. Details about this campaign can be found in the above flyer. The event will mark a new turning point in our construction project: the start of the 2nd construction phase.

After the issuance of the Building Permit, in the fall of 2021 (9.16.2020), our community started on the road to the actual construction of the much-desired church: Moldovita in Washington DC. In the summer of 2021, the excavation works began and the casting of the foundation walls was carried out. During 2022, we continued with the erection of the steel structure, the metal walls and the church tower (with the “Moldavian vault” as a unique architectural element).

On the threshold of the year 2023, the church is on the threshold of sanctifying the crosses, a symbol of Orthodox Christian spirituality of all times. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the effort put into this project! Thank you for your perseverance and the love you show!

We invite you to continue on this path of realizing an uplifting project and to support us in this year 2023! Your constant and generous support is essential to the success of this project. Nothing in the world is achieved without sacrifice and love, and Christ the Savior is our example of this through his crucifixion and death on the cross. As we proposed in the past years, this year we need approximately $1,000,000 to obtain the Occupancy Permit and to perform holy services in the new church. And, by the Grace of God, we want to get this permit by the end of 2023!!!

May the Lord continue to give you an open and sacrificial heart for the project to build a Romanian Orthodox church in Washington DC.