Campania “Acoperamant si bolta peste veacuri!”

Donatii “Acoperamant si Bolta peste Veacuri” (Decembrie-15-2022)

Cu binecuvantarea Parintelui Cosmin si aprobarea Consiliului Parohial, initiem in mod oficial Campania “Acoperamant si bolta peste veacuri!”. Campania se adreseaza tuturor credinciosilor si ea consta din donarea  acoperisului (010 de patratele a cate $5,000 fiecare) si a boltei moldovenesti (50 de patratele  a cate $10,000 fiecare) totalizand suma de $ 1,000,000. Aceasta suma este necesara in anul 2022 pentru instalarea sistemelor de incalzire/racire, electric si plumbing in noua biserica. Campania va avea doua faze:

FAZA I – donarea a $500,000 pana de Sfintele Pasti (pentru a se lucra la “rough in” MEP (Mecanic, Electric, Plumbing)
FAZA a II-a – donarea a $500,000 pana la iarna acestui an (finishes pentru MEP, Mecanic, Electric si Plumbing)
With the blessing of Father Cosmin and the approval of the Parish Council, we are officially launching the “ROOF AND CUPOLA Over Centuries!” Campaign. The campaign is addressed to all believers and consists of donating the ROOF(100 UNITS of $ 5,000 each) and the Moldavian CUPOLA (50 UNITS of $ 10,000 each) totaling $ 1,000,000. This amount is needed in 2022 for the installation of heating / cooling, electric and plumbing systems in the new church. The campaign will have two phases:
PHASE I – donation of $ 500,000 until Easter (to work on “rough in” MEP (Mechanical, Electric, Plumbing)

PHASE II – donation of $ 500,000 by winter this year (finishes for MEP, Mechanical, Electric and Plumbing)