Dragi Enoriasi,

Am placerea sa va aduc la cunostinta, in numele Comitetului de Constructie, ca progresul facut in ultimele luni si situatia la zi a proiectului “Moldovita la Washington”.

· La inceputul lunii martie, CP a aprobat semnarea contractului cu firma Delizzio Architects pentru finalizarea planurilor arhitecturale si pregatirea lor pentru Building Permit Application. Planurile arhitecturale au fost updatate si au fost trimise la comitetul de constructie pentru ultima verificare.
· Planurile structurale au fost finalizate si sunt gata pentru Building Permit Application.
· Planurile mecanice, electrice si sanitare sunt gata si coordonam punerea lor in formatul cerut de autoritalile locale (Department of Permitting Services)
· Lucram la finalizarea aplicatiilor pentru IgCC (green Building) si Comcheck, documente care sunt necesare pentru Building Permit Application
· Am obtinut permisul pentru conectarea bisericii la reteaua de apa (WSSC)
· Am primit 3 oferte pentru SWM&SC. Am cerut detalii de la cele 3 companii pentru a putea compara serviciile oferite.
· Am retrimis toate planurile updatate la 3 potentiali General Contractors si asteptam feedback: Bruchey Builders, Hammen Builders si Scott-Long Construction
· Coordonam cu 3 firme pentru servicii de Project Management: Carr Design & Construction Solutions, Capital Projects Management si Schaefer Construction

Cu ajutorul lui Dumnezeu, ne propunem sa aplicam pentru building permit, pana cel tarziu la sfarsitul lnuii aprilie. Va vom tine in continuare la current cu activitatile si stadiul proiectului

Dima Samata
In numele Comitetului de Constructie


Dear Parishioners,

I am pleased to inform you, on behalf of the Construction Committee, about the progress made in the recent months and the current status of the “Moldovita in Washington” project.

· At the beginning of March, the Parish Council approved the signing of the contract, with Delizzio Architects, for the completion of the architectural plans and their preparation for the Building Permit Application. The architectural plans were updated and were sent to the construction committee for the last verification.
· The structural plans have been finalized and are ready for the Building Permit Application.
· The mechanical, electrical and plumbing plans are ready and we are checking their compliance with the format required by the local authorities (Department of Permitting Services)
· We are finalizing the applications for the IgCC (green building) and Comcheck, documents that are required for the Building Permit Application.
· The WSSC permit for connecting the Church to the public water network was approved.
· We received 3 proposals for SWM&SC and asked the bidders for additional details, in order to compare the services offered.
· We have resubmitted all updated plans to 3 potential General Contractors and we are waiting their feedback: Bruchey Builders, Hammen Builders and Scott-Long Construction
· We are coordinating with 3 companies for Project Management services: Carr Design & Construction Solutions, Capital Projects Management and Schaefer Construction.

With God’s help, we intend to apply for the building permit, no later than the end of April.

We will keep you updated with the activities and the status of the project.

Dima Samata

On behalf of the Construction Committee